
Expert Boat Winterization Services
Boating season in Michigan can feel all too short - but that doesn’t mean winterizing your boat has to be a hassle. We make boat winterization easy for you so you can focus on the fun parts of boating. From prepping your boat to offering storage solutions, we’ve got your boat covered every step of the way. Taking care of your boat properly now means a smoother start when the season returns.
Stress-Free Winter Boat Prep
Winterizing your boat can feel like just another chore at the end of the season. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to make the process as smooth and simple as possible. Enjoy peace of mind from knowing that when you drop off your boat, or let us pick it up, we’ll handle the rest. No stress, no hassle, just reliable service from a team that knows what Michigan boating is all about.
Standard Winterization Services
From flushing the engine to stabilizing fuel, protecting your boat from freezing temperatures, and checking every detail, we’ll make sure your boat is ready to handle the winter and includes everything in the value services below.
Price includes parts and labor. Price does not include trailer, extra quarts, or pickups outside 20 miles. All payments must be paid in full by the end of August. Pre-pay for your summerization this fall with your winterization and storage and you can request a discount.
STANDARD Outboard - Mercury Marine or Suzuki 4-Stroke or 2-Stroke
-Oil change with up to 5 qts & oil filter (4-stroke only)
-Change gear lube
-Pull prop and grease splines
-Inspect prop shaft
-Disconnect batteries
STANDARD Wake Surf Boat - Malibu, Indmar, Raptor, or PCM
-Change engine oil & filter with up to 6 qts
-Change transmission fluid
-Replace water separating fuel filter if equipped
-Clean spark arrestor
-Inspect belts and hoses
-Torque engine mount bolts
-Clean sea strainer
-Check engine alignment
-Inspect strut and inspect prop shaft
-Disconnect batteries
STANDARD Sterndrive (I/O) - MerCruiser or Volvo Penta 3.0L - 5.7L 6.0L +
-Change engine oil & filter with up to 6 qts
-Change outdrive gear lube
-Replace water separating fuel filter
-Clean spark arrestor
-Inspect belts and hoses
-Torque engine mount bolts
-Remove outdrive
-Inspect coupler 'U' joints
-Check engine alignment
-Pull propeller
-Inspect propeller shaft splines and hub
-Grease propeller shaft splines and inspect prop shaft
-Disconnect batteries
VALUE Winterization Services
We perform a 26-point inspection and add stabilize fluid to keep the engine from gumming up over the winter months. These are the minimum services we can perform.
No fluid changes. Price includes parts and labor. Price does not include trailer, extra quarts, or pickups outside 20 miles. All payments must be paid in full by the end of August. Pre-pay for your summerization this fall with your winterization and storage and you can request a discount.
VALUE Outboard - Mercury Marine or Suzuki 4-Stroke or 2-Stroke
-Perform 26-Point Inspection
-Stabilize fuel
-Drain block
-Pull the boat drain plug
-Disconnect batteries
VALUE Wake Surf Boat - Malibu, Indmar, Raptor, or PCM
-Perform 26-Point Inspection
-Add stabilize fuel
-Drain block
-Add fresh water cooling system with 100 below non-toxic antifreeze
-Pull the boat drain plug
-Disconnect batteries
VALUE Sterndrive (I/O) - MerCruiser or Volvo Penta 3.0L - 5.7L 6.0L +
-Perform 26-Point Inspection
-Add stabilize fuel
-Drain block
-Add fresh water cooling system with 100 below non-toxic antifreeze
-Pull the boat drain plug
-Disconnect batteries
Additional Winter Services Available
Direct Service Connection
Talk with us about completing upgrades, replacements, repairs you would like completed before spring. We would love to work with you to make your boat perfect for the upcoming season.