Should You Rent or Buy a Kayak?
Published on Jul 28, 2024
If you're having trouble deciding whether to rent or buy a kayak, we advise taking a look at our helpful tips below! Whether you prefer to rent or buy, you can find plenty of models to choose from at Gull Lake Marine - Bayside. We are based in Richland, Michigan, and we also serve those in Battle Creek.
When to Choose a Kayak Rental
A Short-Term Need
Kayak rental is best when you only need a kayak temporarily. Maybe you only hit the water a few times a year. Maybe you have friends or family members visiting from out-of-town and they want to go on a marine adventure. In these cases, it makes more financial sense to choose kayak rental than to pay the high sticker price of a new model.
A Resource In the Buying Process
If a first time buyer is a little unsure about the item they’re purchasing, they’ll often try renting it first. Think of kayak rental as a “test run” before making the investment of buying one. It can be a great way to see whether you like a given model’s size, design, and features…before paying full price for it!
When to Buy a Kayak
A Long-Term Need
Kayak rental isn’t the most affordable on a long term basis. If you plan to go kayaking often, it’s a better financial approach to purchase it.
Still unsure whether kayak rental or purchasing is a better fit for your needs? The experts at Gull Lake Marine - Bayside are here to help. Tell us about your budget and lifestyle, then we can help you determine the best match. Our dealership is located in Richland, Michigan, and we also serve those in Battle Creek.