Get to Know Hobie® Kayaks
Published on Dec 18, 2024
Kayaks are the ultimate self-powered boats — light and stable, they enable you to tackle deep water and shallows with ease. Hobie® kayaks take these paddle-powered boats a step further, giving you a foot-pedal option for extra speed and agility. To learn more, call Gull Lake Marine or visit our location in Michigan, serving Richland, Grand Rapids, and Coopersville.
About Hobie® Kayaks
The Hobie brand is best known for its legendary Hobie Cat sailboats, but the company's product range extends to a wide range of water sports. Hobie kayaks, in particular, are an industry standout because of one key feature: the MirageDrive pedal system. A set of foot pedals operate two underwater fins, enabling you to travel faster and farther than you would with a standard paddle alone. Modern Hobie kayaks feature Kick-Up Fins, which retract automatically to allow clearance in shallow water.
Hobie has been refining its MirageDrive kayaks for decades, turning them into fast, efficient boats that are perfect for fishing, touring, or recreation. Choose from both hard-sided and inflatable models to suit your transportation preferences. Many models come with features like standing platforms, bow storage, and accessory mounts. If you're an angler, check out the company's fishing kayaks — they include a spot for a FishFinder, pole mounts, and special H-rails.
If you're interested in expanding your boating options, Hobie's Mirage Islands kayaks might be a good fit. These boats come with outriggers for stability and a mainsail for high-speed travel. You can even buy a trampoline kit to create extra deck space.
History of Hobie®
Today, Hobie is one of the best-known brands in the watersports industry. The company came from humble beginnings — it started in 1950 in the garage of Hobie Alter's family home. Alter started out building surfboards from balsawood; eventually, he moved out of the garage and into a shop in Dana Point. The Hobie brand soon expanded into polyurethane foam surfboards, which transformed the California surf scene.
Within 15 years, Hobie was the sponsor for a record-breaking surf team. Soon, the company branched out into twin-hulled playboats, and the Hobie Cat was born. This small, easily maneuverable playboat allowed more people to enter the sport; they're still best-sellers today.
Hobie has continued to innovate throughout the years, creating cutting-edge skiffs, fishing floats, and kayaks.
Whether you're an angler or an explorer, Hobie kayaks deliver all of the features you need for a comfortable trip. Here at Gull Lake Marine, we're proud to carry a range of Hobie models. To find out more, call us or check out the lineup at our location in Michigan; we're thrilled to serve adventurers from Richland, Grand Rapids, and Coopersville.