A Beginner's Guide to Kayak Financing
Published on Aug 01, 2024
Kayak financing can be a great way to get the model you want...without needing to spend months saving up the full cost first!
If you are curious about kayak financing, read on. Below, we cover the basics about this common buying strategy. For more information or to start your process, contact the experts at Gull Lake Marine - Bayside. Our dealership is based in Richland, Michigan.
Analyze Your Finances
The first step will be to look over your finances and establish your kayak financing budget. Here, there are a few considerations to make.
First, there will be one-time costs to pay. This includes the kayak financing down payment as well as the cost of any gear you still need to get (like a life jacket).
Second, there will be recurring costs to pay. This includes the monthly loan repayment as well as any recurring costs related to kayaking (such as storage fees if you need to keep your kayak off-site).
Look over your finances and get a ballpark estimate of how much you can spend regarding these various costs.
Determine Your Kayak Must-Have Features
Next, think about what kind of kayak you are wanting to buy. Does it need to accommodate more than one passenger? Does it need to be tailored to first-time kayakers? How lightweight do you need it to be in order to carry it in and out of the water?
The more you can determine what you want to buy, the faster you will be able to find the perfect kayak to finance.
Find a Kayak Dealership
The last step is to visit a kayak dealership. It's a convenient way to get the kayak you want as well as get your kayak financing all squared away. It's your one-stop-shop!
Our kayak finance department is here to set up a kayak financing plan that best matches your budget and lifestyle - and gets you out on the water as soon as possible. Reach out or stop by our dealership to get started. We are based in Richland, Michigan, and also serve those in Battle Creek.